分数出来后,江嘉禾和李之森都愣住了,二人都没想到p分竟然有4843分。 李之森率先回过神来,笑着拍了拍江嘉禾的头,示意她打招呼。 江嘉禾回过神,笑着冲正前方的摄像机挥了挥手然后起身离开了等分区。 李之森考虑到江嘉禾现在的状态还是要以需要休息为主,便代替江嘉禾去接受了采访。 江嘉禾则是收拾完东西,便回去休息了。 ——混合采访区—— 【记者】这次怎么是您过来接受我们的采访呢? 【李之森】嘉禾目前需要休息,所以我便过来回答大家几个问题。 【记者】what do you thk of jiang jiahe's perforance this short progra? 【翻译人员】您觉得江嘉禾这次短节目的发挥怎么样? 【李之森】总体来说嘉禾这次发挥还算可以,大问题倒是没有出现,不过还是一些细节上没有处理好。 【翻译人员】overall, jiahe's perforance this ti was decent, and there were no ajor issues, but there were still details that were not handled properly 【记者】what are your thoughts on the in ter olypics now? 【翻译人员】对于米兰冬奥会,您现在有什么想法呢? 【李之森】希望一切顺利,平安完赛。 【翻译人员】i hope everythg goes soothly and i fish the race safely 【记者】do you have nfidence that jiang jiahe can the gold dal won's sgles at the in ter olypics and defend her title? after all, everyone has great nfidence that jiang jiahe can once aga the olypic chapionship 【翻译人员】您对有没有信心江嘉禾能拿到米兰冬奥会女单金牌,实现卫冕冠军呢? 毕竟现在大家对江嘉禾能够再次拿到奥运冠军的信心非常大。 【李之森】我对嘉禾肯定是有信心的,但是不到最后一刻,谁也不知道结果,所以还是希望大家降低期待,然后这样嘉禾的压力也小一点。 【翻译人员】i defitely have nfidence jiahe, but no one knows the oute until the st ont, i hope everyone can lower their expectations and reduce jiahe's pressure 【记者】接下来的自由滑大概是什么配置呢? 【李之森】参考了上次比赛所使用的节目配置,然后做出了一些修改。大家再问一个问题吧,我接下来还得回去看着嘉禾。 【记者】would you be surprised that this short progra received a p-sre of 4843? do you expect to achieve such a high p sre at the in ter olypics? 【翻译人员】对于这次短节目拿到了4843分的p分,会不会很惊讶?然后期待米兰冬奥会上也拿到这么高的p分吗? 【李之森】首先这次的p分是所有人都没想到的,其次还是想大家先放低期待,我们米兰冬奥会见。 【翻译人员】firstly, the p sre this ti was unexpected by everyone sendly, i would like everyone to lower their expectations and et at the in ter olypics 采访结束后,李之森四大洲就结束了,然后会有一章小风波,然后就到米兰冬奥会啦。 谢谢大家的支持 也谢谢大家对江嘉禾的喜欢